Modern Possession

“…surely the reason we do not execute witches is that we do not believe there are such things. … It may be a great advance in knowledge not to believe in witches: there is no moral advance in not executing them when you do not think they are there. You would not call a man […]

Securing Security

As some of my readers may already know, there was a bunch of bombings in Brussels last weekend which the Islamic State took credit for. Two of the explosions occurred in an airport. Because, unfortunately, terrorists aren’t totally incompetent idiots, these two went off before the security checkpoint. It’s much easier than trying to get […]

Wasted Potential

I’ve been watching drones for several years now, and since the very beginning I’ve claimed that drones have magnificent potential. It’s such a simple idea – so simple it can be applied to practically everything. Drones are a new kind of infrastructure, and infrastructure does to society what new detectors do to science – which […]

Rat Farming

Once upon a time, there was a jungle port. Being a jungle port, there was a profusion of rats that disturbed the populace and discouraged business. The authorities resolved to do something.

So, of course, the rat population exploded.


AIs and the Impending Singularity

Superintelligent AIs are coming! They’ll far outstrip anything mere mortal minds can comprehend, and either usher us into a utopia or negligently crush us on their way to turning the planet into a giant computerized doughnut.

Or maybe not. Despite the recent uptick in news on the subject, I think the focus is misplaced.


A Brief Exposition of Limited Government

I have fairly simple reasons for pushing for a more limited Federal government, and it has nothing to do with Libertarian ideology and everything to do with patriotism, as in, not risking dangerous stresses on something I’d rather see continue to exist.


What Good Are These Particular Presidents?

Previously, I have written about why the Presidency is important. Lest anyone think I was overcome by an uncharacteristic mood of sunny optimism and governmental idealism, I’d like to append to that statement by arguing that actual Presidents, within my political attention span, have been drastically less important than almost everyone thinks. Given I do […]

The Internet of Watchful Things

So right now the United States security services are beginning to realize the potential of the Internet of Things. The Internet of Things refers to a sort of techno-utopian vision of computer chips being cheap enough to put into everything, adding new features and convenience to everything from light-switches to toothbrushes.

For some reason this […]

Revisiting Gun Rights for Terrorists

Some readers may remember a time not quite a year ago when I wrote an in-depth rebuttal of a New York Times Op-Ed titled “Gun Rights for Terrorists” by Mary Lewis Grow. I am a long-time critic of the watch-lists and no-fly lists that, hypothetically, are filled with dangerous characters bent on destruction, possibly via […]

Egypt: Why Not A Bomb?

On Halloween, a Russian airplane left the southern tip of Sinai, only to suffer a catastrophic failure and be scattered across several square miles of desert.

This is bad news for Russia, whose citizens died. It is bad news for the airline company, likely to lose business. It is bad news for Egypt, facing yet […]